单细胞科研与临床应用主题论坛——中国科学院北京基因组研究所蒋岚研究员蒋岚研究员是千人计划青年项目获得者,长期从事表观遗传学和单细胞多组学方面的研究。目前已发表论文20余篇,其中Cell, Nature, Genome Biology等杂志发表第一或者通讯作者论文(含共同)共计10篇,专著1部。曾获得中国科学院院长特别奖、中国科学院百篇优博、吴瑞奖、美国Charles A. King Trust Fellowship, NIH K99 Award等奖项。承担国家重点研发计划课题、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)课题和国家自然科学基金项目等任务。取得的成果包括开发单细胞组学技术和计算方法(2023 Genome Biology,2023 Cell Reports,2022 Small, 2017 Cell Reports, 2016 Genome Biology), 建立组蛋白修饰介导的印记基因新方向(2017 Nature),报道DNA甲基化在脊椎动物早期胚胎的跨代遗传规律(2013 Cell)等。 演讲题目:通用型微流控组合标记单细胞测序技术 演讲摘要:Droplet microfluidics based single-cell combinatorial indexing sequencing represents an attractive way to balance cost, scalability, robustness, and accessibility. However, current methods need a tailored protocol for specific modality respectively, which may limit their potential for automation. Here, we introduce UDA-seq, universal droplet microfluidics based combinatorial indexing for massive-scale single-cell multimodal sequencing. We demonstrate that, when necessary, UDA-seq enables effectively generating more than 100,000 single-cell data in a single-channel experiment of droplet microfluidics. Meanwhile, UDA-seq provides a universal workflow for accomplishing several multimodal tasks, including single-cell co-assay of RNA and VDJ, RNA and ATAC, and RNA and CRISPR gRNA. Our approach represents a broadly applicable strategy for boosting the throughput and systematically “rewriting” most of existing droplet microfluidics based single-cell multimodal methods. |